{{display.valuations}} x Valuation

{{display.discountApplied *100}}% discount


{{pricing.currencysymbol}} {{display.valuationFeeNoDiscount}}

{{ display.valuationFee | number: 2 }}

The valuation fee - as the valuation per se, generally - is applicable for a period of 3 months.

In case you don't plan to quarterly update and monitor the valuation of your company, we suggest you to select a number of days lower than 90.


First 5 days FREE ACCESS

Until {{display.until}}

Number of days required
You can purchase up to 360 days in advance
Please insert a number of days


{{ display.accessFee | number: 2 }}

Days of access

This will grant you access to Equidam for your chosen number of days, allowing you to update and refine your valuation as many times as necessary throughout the negotiation process.

On average, the discussions with investors on valuation-related topics takes 2 months.

The price per day is {{pricing.currencysymbol}} {{pricing.singleAccessFee | number: 2}}, the first 5 days are free.

You'll be able to add more days without paying any additional valuation fee within 90 days


One time fee


{{ display.total | number: 2 }}

Start now